Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Aha Moment or not

So a good idea I think would be for me to try to learn how to program and how to make computer graphics. I have wanted to program since long before I ever got a computer. So why not learn to program. I am not as excited to make programs as I was 2 or 3 years ago but, its would be a challenge. As for computer graphics I have wanted to make them since I heard about blender.

For programming I want to learn python. I have tried many languages and never learned any of them so I need to pick one and stick with it I think so I choose python. I think I want to make computer games. But learning how to program anything with python would be fine.

For computer graphics I want to make cars. I would like to learn how to make everything but, I particularly want to learn how to make cars.

Today is when I came up with the idea to give myself a year to learn about programming and 3d graphics because those are the things I have wanted to learn and I am not getting any younger so now is the time to just go for.

My prediction as to what will happen is that in a week I will get tired of my blog and my dreams an give up and dream about making programs and models for the rest of my life but never make anything, just say oh, next year I will learn until there is no next year. I hope I am wrong about my prediction.

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