Tuesday, January 24, 2012

AcAce I made

This a render of an AcAce that I made. It could be a lot better but, it does look like a car. I don't know how long it took me to make though it probably took me awhile.

Monday, January 23, 2012

AcCobra I made

The Renders are of an AcCobra. 1966 I think. This is the second car that I got finished. I don't think it looks so great but, it is oh well. I don't remember much about making it. I am sure I did enjoy making it though.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Look at the Camero I made

The above is a render of the fist 3d car I made. Its not complete but, its close enough for me. It probably took me 2 or 3 weeks to make. And it could be smoother. It does look like a car though.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Assembly Language

Besides Python and Pharo. I find Assembly language fascinating. I have only use HLA but, I did install sever assembly language on my computer. I have read most of The Art of Assembly language programming but, never finished the book.

I like with assembly language learning about the processor it just seems so fun using the machine instructions. I have never made anything with assembly language. I probably never will either. Its just fun to fool around with. Maybe someday.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Another programming language that I want to make programs with besides python is Pharo. The first time I heard about small talk was in a book about PARC called Dealers of Lightning. I thought wow, the name sounds cool. I was not sure that smalltalk was in use anymore. I look it up on the internet and found squeak. I installed squeak on my computer. Later I read squeak by example but, I never made anything on my own using squeak.

Then about 2 years ago I saw a post about pharo on hacker news and thought I would give it a try. I read Pharo by example and as with squeak have not made any programs of/on my own. I don't know if I will ever make any programs with pharo though I hope to make a few and upload them to squeak source. Probably won't happen. Sniff sniff.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

ZaZ 965 cuteness

Here are renders of a zaz 965 unfinished model I made using blender. I could finish it but, I don't want to because the mesh looks bad. There are a lot of triangles in the mesh instead of quads. The ZaZ 965 is a cut little car and I hope I can make a better model of it than the model I have made in the renders. Which is why I am making another model of  the Zaz. Model on.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

If I make video games what kind will I make

If I get good enough to make games I want to make sports games. When I played video games a lot the type of game I enjoyed the most were sports video games. Probably because I was not good at any other type of video games so i played sports video games.

I have this sports encyclopedia and I got the idea to make a game of every sport in that book, probably to ambitious, I will be lucky if I can ever make one sports video game let alone hundreds. Its a goal to shoot for though. So I will see what if anything I can get done over the next year.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Aha Moment or not

So a good idea I think would be for me to try to learn how to program and how to make computer graphics. I have wanted to program since long before I ever got a computer. So why not learn to program. I am not as excited to make programs as I was 2 or 3 years ago but, its would be a challenge. As for computer graphics I have wanted to make them since I heard about blender.

For programming I want to learn python. I have tried many languages and never learned any of them so I need to pick one and stick with it I think so I choose python. I think I want to make computer games. But learning how to program anything with python would be fine.

For computer graphics I want to make cars. I would like to learn how to make everything but, I particularly want to learn how to make cars.

Today is when I came up with the idea to give myself a year to learn about programming and 3d graphics because those are the things I have wanted to learn and I am not getting any younger so now is the time to just go for.

My prediction as to what will happen is that in a week I will get tired of my blog and my dreams an give up and dream about making programs and models for the rest of my life but never make anything, just say oh, next year I will learn until there is no next year. I hope I am wrong about my prediction.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Deep Thoughts for today and maybe tomorrow also

Why am I starting a blog? To get more sweepstakes entries and write about myself. Its interesting that I am embarrassed to talk about myself but, write about myself, no shame at all.  The keyboard makes me bold and outgoing. The power of the keyboard. I like programming and blender so those are two things I want to write about on this blog. I am terrible at make 3d models and programming in case you are curious.

I have tried blogging a few times before but, have always quite. When I started my first blog I though oh, sure I will be a good blogger but, was not a good blogger and will never be a good blogger but, that is ok. I don't want to be a celebrity blogger anymore. Its alright with me if no one reads what I write.

With this blog I want to challenge myself to see how long I can keep blogging without quitting. I want to see how many posts I can write in one year. So how many posts will I write between now and January 16, 2013?  Stay Tuned.